Email Outreach Secrets: 9 Email Marketing Hacks to Get Positive Response Right After First Email


Is it wiser to follow a long-term marketing plan for your business? I am talking about email marketing here; indeed it requires a lengthy process to break profit for you.

Despite being time-consuming, email marketing remains one of the most popular marketing tools. Why?

Comparatively, high ROI isn’t the only reason. Emails can earn you new customers, aid you to retain them and maintain a sustainable customer relationship, helps to spread your campaign, and what not?

As you are reading this post, I hope this may help you. Here I enlist some of the best email marketing hacks to make your email outreach more fruitful.


What is Email Outreach?


Email outreach is emailing someone for growing your website traffic, building links, getting product reviews, asking for guest posting, getting more conversions, sales, and subscriptions.

So, yes, when you execute your email campaign to achieve any particular marketing goal, you can call it an email outreach. There’s a lot of collaboration tools to help you achieve a better outreach result.

Take an important note: this is the initial idea of it.

The definition of email outreach is not limited to anything. It’s expandable. Anyway, the secrets looming behind its success is understandable and actionable.

The tips I’m going to mention demands your attention for any types of email marketing campaigns.

Let’s get them.


  1. Get Yourself an Email Marketing Process


Having a process means you tailor your email outreach plan for the longer term. I have already discussed this fact. It takes time to make someone fall for your goals.

Take a look into these five steps that can turn your email strategy into success.  

  1. Define: After you build a niche-based email list, define the name of your email campaign, plan every step in detail, and be sure of your objective. Bonus tip: Here is a comprehensive list of open source intelligence tools that you can use to research details of your prospects for a more effective email outreach.
  2. Test: Test your emails appearance and possibilities via different platforms. I will discuss this step as an essential hack later.

iii. Send: Deliver your emails following a planned schedule.

  1. Measure: Find the click and open rate, user activities. Measure all those metrics you must.
  2. Report: Get the report on the performance of your email. Key points which need your concerns are customer usage, social media sharing, bounce, conversion rate, etc.

After you sent an email, don’t rush to send the next one. It’s crucial to find out your strength and weakness that lies in your overall email marketing process. What works and what didn’t? Can you get them right? Having a designed process and email segmentation is essential to sort this out. You should review the process frequently and improvise it.


  1. Write a Concise but Attractive Subject Line


47% of recipients open emails based on their subject line. On the other hand, 69% of people marked emails as spam for the email subject line. So, what’s the meaning of this mystery?

Undoubtedly, the subject line is the first catch for readers, a significant influencer for your open rates. If you can convince them with it, the rest will be assured. So, how to write a perfect subject line that works?

The secret is to make it short and understandable.

Take a look into this example of blinkist. They want you to subscribe for a year with four months off.

Pitch your core intentions in the subject line. Don’t make it too elaborate. Skip detailing.

Only write what you are trying to deliver, that only matters. You don’t need to be too creative. A simple subject line with a reasonable premise will suffice.


  1. Don’t Forget to Review Your Emails in Different Platforms


You must design your email that suits every platform. 61% of total emails today open in mobile devices. There no sign of it slowing down.

So, the best thing to do, after you make your email template mobile responsive, keep checking how are they performing.

You must make your emails visible and impactful to almost every device possible. It’s impossible to guess which platform people may prefer each time they open and read your emails.

There are several ways you may find to test the responsiveness of your email. For example, you can get help from email analytic tools like Litmus, EmailonAcid or  EmailAnalytics. It’s a quite smart thing to make your email outreach available in every situation. A smarter solution for email validation and data enrichment you can use the tool Emailoversight powerful tools that clean 99.5% of your emails and the ability to match and enhance missing data points


  1. Go for Branding


Branding is an integral part of your email marketing. Let’s not make your emails, and newsletters float without your business remark. If you don’t have a logo (though I believe you do have), create one, add your business motto with it.

Look at this Paris Review Redux email. In every email or newsletter from this famous literary magazine, you can’t undermine their branding influence.  

Logical and cautious steps are always going to help you. When you pitch your offer, you need to be professional. Branding elements always meant to enlighten the face of your business.  

Before people read your words, let your appearance do half of the job. It will work like a double-edged katana; I mean a sword which cuts from both side. Don’t you get it? At the same time, this hack makes you look professional and build your brand with consistency.


  1. Connect Your Reader in an Entertaining Way


What is one of the top impulses of a reader? Find a voice that enchants him with easiness. So, pitch your objectives with a way, that connect readers to your cause.

You don’t need to be too savvy with words, don’t need to make your reader exclaiming. Just shift your voice to a storytelling mode if not telling a story.

Read the email below. Matt Becker from Mom and Dad Money ask you to do him a favor. How?

Most of the emails going either spam folder or become trashed because of their lack of reasons and dry tones. You are not going to teach someone. It is quite a foolishness tell someone to buy a product, asking a backlink without providing simple explanations.

So, yes, you have to ask or explain. It’s always better to entertain your potential reader while you win back their positive responses. Is it too much a hard task to do?


  1. Proofreading is the Only Way to Produce Great Email Copy


Mistake makes a man perfect. You may be heard of this phrase all your life. While we are talking about proofread emails, the right phrase should be like this: Mistake makes a mail blunder. After you sent the email, you won’t get a second chance.

All your effort earn you nothing if you forget to follow. What? The thumb rules of proofreading. Nothing makes your email copy better than proofreading. What are these thumb rules?

  1. Check, and double-check the spellings of names. There are many names in your email. Recipient name, organization name, the content may need of titles too. It’s annoying to anyone to have their names misspelled. So why take the risk? We have better things to do.
  2. Check dates, times, and time-zone. For example, it’s a vile thing to fix a meeting not combining the client’s time-zone with yours. Reputation hurts.

iii. Read, read, and read. If you understand it well, feel no itching rather than enjoy it, then it’s cool.

  1. Check the overall spelling and grammatical errors.
  2. Are your hyperlinks are OK? Check them too.  


  1. Invest Your Thinking  Beyond Open Rates


Marketers often have confused visions about their email marketing tactics. While it is a well-known fact, emails are the best way to engage customers; it has a considerable open rate, etc.

To what for they stand? Of course, some of the top intentions are increasing sales, establish a sustainable relationship with customers, growing social media following through various social media management tools

Clicks and open rate shouldn’t be your core objectives. They are just metrics you need to accomplish your goals. You must turn your recipients to your customers.

So, while planning for outreach, make a plan considering the overall effect of your email campaign. Send an email to an individual, and move on to the next one, that shouldn’t be the case. Every email and recipients are valuable, try to negotiate with each one so carefully.   

You must consider the total sales and marketing aspect of your business.


  1. Make Use of Content Delivery Emails


Most of the email marketers forget or missed that opportunity. Deliver an e-book or a business report, an insightful article link. And what are the usual copy of these emails? “Thank you for downloading this” or “Hope you enjoy the e-book. Don’t forget to share your opinion.” And so on.

Why let this email free off advocating your marketing concern? Use this content delivery email as a provocative weapon.

Put some innovative copy that makes the reader interested in doing business with you again. You shouldn’t let a customer forget you. Keep the good job going chuck!

For example, write your content delivery email’s copy like this:

“Here is your eBook. We have more similar hot topics for you. Don’t want to check them out?”

You can use provocative and relevant images too.


  1. A/B Test and Draft Your Subject Line


It’s urgent, and you don’t have the chance to undermine. Marketers seem not to get the importance of it. Most of them write a body copy first. And in the last minute (for example, it could be the last hour), they just put a subject line felt appropriate.

How can this kind of negligence produce great results? The subject line is crucial; that why we keep it at the top in our list. Before you start writing your email’s body copy, draft the subject line quite a few time, and try to finalize one. It’s the alfa influencer to open your email.

The next thing you need to do, A/B testing your subject line. What good of it? It helps you to find better proto-types amongst the different subject lines. You can get all the information about your subject and try to find a better one to express your motives.

On the other hand, a perfect subject line helps you to write more effective body copy. Most of the top email automation platform and email marketing tools help you with this task or you can use writing services, such as TopEssayWriting.


Final Thought

That’s what you need to get a positive response within your email marketing journey. You may find a bunch of other tips, literally, a lot of them. But I think, these top hacks going to be your focus pathfinder.

So, how you are going to get on with them? Do you have some other unique email hacks in your think tank? Don’t forget to share with me.


Hope you find this useful, and check out some other helpful posts I’ve stumbled across:

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Author Bio:

Kaji Enamul Islam is a writer of eCommerce and digital business industries. Besides, his addiction to fiction, fact, movies, and books are possessive. Right now he is working as a content marketing executive at OmniKick and Intent Marketer