How to Create Your Website to Sell Online Services?

                                   How to Create Your Website to Sell Online Services?

Looking for ways to easily manage your clients’ tasks? Creating a micro-job website to sell your services online can help you take your creative endeavor to the ultimate level of success. A micro-job website offers the most effective solution that allows you to offer and manage all your services like a pro.


Starting a website to sell services online, is not an easy task. But in this article, we’ll let you know how quickly you can get started with your own without any coding knowledge.


Let’s get started!



What’s The Best Option: Website Builder Or WordPress?


For all non-coders, both the solutions can help to set up the service selling website. To decide what could be the best option for you, you need to analyze such factors like the required features or functionalities, customization requirements, flexibility, the complexity to create a website, your budget, Google’s 200 SEO ranking factors, etc. 


For better understanding and making the right business decision, you should analyze the specifications they offer and the pros and cons of using both.


  1. The Website Editor: Talking about website builders, they offer a visual drag-and-drop user interface that allows users to drag-and-drop required elements to build a beautiful website.

On the contrary, WordPress is a content management system that has been developed to manage all the web page content without any drag and drop user interface. It uses an editor to create media-rich pages and posts and to control their layout with ease.


  1. Features: Website builders have in-built tools and features that you can use to design your own website. WordPress users can take advantage of the required WordPress plugins and themes to set up the desired functionality and look on their website.


  1. Flexibility: WordPress becomes more flexible and powerful because of WordPress plugins and themes. There are many plugins and themes are available in the market that you can use as per your website need. On the contrary, website builders genuinely allow using their in-built tools to setup website. For further customization, you’ll need to hire developers or use tools such as this online form builder.


  1. Website Hosting: Mostly, Website builders like Hyperhost offer domain and hosting plans for your business. For WordPress users, you need to get your WordPress installed on a PHP & MySQL web host.


Choosing the website builder is beneficial for you in case you don’t require to take advantage of more customization options. Just select the templates and modify the layout with the tools and widgets offered by the website builders.


But, if you want to create a website wherein you are free to customize it in-depth, WordPress is a go-to-choice for you. Think about your business requirements and choose the best one!


How To Create A Website To Sell Services Online Using WordPress


Let’s start our journey to create a professional website to sell services or create courses online.


1. Get Domain & WordPress Hosting

Your website will be known by its domain name. It represents your web identity and your clients will find your services using it. Hence, it must be short, easy to pronounce and recall, and unique.

Next, you’ll require a hosting plan to install and setup WordPress. This comparison chart includes the different web hosting plans including their pricing details and website resources that will help you find the domain name for your business.

2. WordPress Installation & Setup

WordPress is widely used and considered as the best open-source software and content management system. It offers more than 50,000 plugins that help you add desired features or functionalities to your website. Not just these, there are many free and premium third-party add-ons or plugins that you can choose for further customization and features.

3. Setup Required WordPress Plugins To Sell Services Online

In order to integrate e-commerce functionality, you’ll require to install and activate WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads. Both plugins offer useful features to sell products online.


Note: You just need to select one, either WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads, to continue your website creation to sell your services.


Let’s take a look at both the plugins:

1. WooCommerce

You can sell services with WooCommerce. WooCommerce is the well-known WordPress e-commerce plugin used by most of the WordPress users to sell physical or digital products online. You can take advantage of different WooCommerce extensions or add-ons offered by Automattic itself or by third-parties to integrate more functionalities to your e-commerce website.


Besides Woocommerce, you’ll require an add-on that allows you to sell your services on WordPress. Woo Sell Services is there for you.

Woo Sell Services: Sell Services With WooCommerce

Woo Sell Services is a WooCommerce add on that allows you to sell services from your WooCommerce store just like other products are sold. You can offer many services to your customers like website designing, performing SEO, logo designing, content writing, etc. 

Take a look at this quick video tutorial on how to set up WooCommerce Sell Services.

It uses an editor to create media-rich pages and posts and to control their layout with ease. And you can learn it from Digital Marketing Institute in Delhi which provides not only classroom-based training but online live classes are also available. If you need writing help you can use dissertation help and essay writing service for very cheap price.




  • This add-on creates a new product type called “Services” that allows vendors to create a service from the product page itself.
  • Vendors can add service-related requirements
  • Both vendors and customers get real-time email notification.
  • A Dedicated conversation channel to manage conversation with your customers.
  • Get an order management section for both customers and vendors.
  • Service review and rating option for both vendors and customers.
  • A Dedicated Service Status Widget


2. Easy Digital Downloads (EDD)

And, here comes another plugin EDD that you can choose instead of WooCommerce. WooCommerce allows to sell all types of products, but Easy Digital Downloads plugin is meant especially for selling digital products like eBooks, WordPress plugins, themes, PDF files and more. It also comes with many extensions for adding additional functionality to your website.


In order to sell services on your EDD store, you’ll require the EDD Sell Services WordPress plugin. Let’s take a look at this plugin:

EDD Sell Services: Sell Services With EDD

Just like Woo Sell Services, EDD Sell Services is an add-on for EDD plugin that allows the vendors to sell different types of services from their WordPress website.

Phone consultations, software installation, video editing, audio editing, content writing, and creating courses are some of the examples of services you can sell from your website, even if they require digital file distribution.



  • It adds a new product type called “Services” to your EDD store.
  • Vendors can submit their service-related requirements to process the order.
  • It provides real-time email notification to both.
  • A dedicated conversation channel allows for managing conversations between customers and vendors.
  • The order management section makes it easy to manage all orders in one place.
  • Service review and rating option for both vendors that sell digital services online and customers.


Note: For WooCommerce users, you have to install and setup Woo Sell Services plugin on WordPress. And, if your choice is Easy Digital Downloads, EDD Sell Services Plugin will fulfill your business requirements.

4. Choose A Right WordPress Theme

In order to improve your website appearance and performance and to make it look more professional and user-friendly, you’ll require to use a WordPress e-commerce theme that must be compatible with your WordPress plugins. There are many free and premium themes available in the market you can choose from.

From here, you can start customizing your theme so as to build a website that best suits your business. There are tons of free resources online that can guide you in this, among which is WebdesignToolbox. Webdesign Toolbox is a human-curated collection of tools for web designers, coders, and web strategists. The site regularly reviews new tools to create the most up-to-date directory available, helping you to become the best web professional you can be.

Bonus Tip: You can also promote your business and make money with a WordPress Blog. You can further optimize your blog’s monetization and SEO with a proper author box that lets you add affiliate links, multiple authors, social media buttons, and other customizations. In that regard, you should also take time to create content and promote your blog

Increase Your Business Clients & Earn More Revenue By Selling Services Online

No matter whether you’re a startup or a well-established business, in order to grow your market, you have to move into the online world. Creating a service selling ecommerce website development company as well as digital marketing will help you do that. You can bring new clients and show credibility to them about your services. Additionally, you can set up tools such as TimelinesAI, a shared inbox for Whatsapp that will enable your team to work on customer requests together.

Start doing business and selling your services from your website now!

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